Alex’s Review: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

I wrote and published this on my own personal blog back on July 3rd, 2012. I figured I might as well publish it here on the Midwest Film Nerds Podcast website just for posterity and to give our listeners/readers a little more content to chew on. I think for the most part, I stand by my review — there’s really not a whole lot that has changed even having seen the movie a couple more times. Anyway, on with the review —

Spider-Man was never one of my favorite heroes. Yeah, I watched the Saturday morning cartoon when I grew up but I never read any of the comics and didn’t particularly love the character. But I walked out of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man (2002) desperately wanting to be bitten by a radioactive spider. I think The Amazing Spider-Man succeeds in some areas where Raimi’s film did not, and fails in other respects. For now, I’ll keep things spoiler free and short but I’ll keep spoilers under the jump and I’ll markedly notate when the more in-depth discussion starts. Essentially we get a retelling of the Spider-Man origin that is fairly ubiquitous after Raimi’s 2002 film. However we get a new villain this time (one alluded to with Dylan Baker’s Dr. Curt Connors in Spider-Man 2 and 3), a refreshing cast, and a bit of a shift in the mood of the film. Oh, and it was filmed in 3D.

I’ll sum my thoughts up quickly here for those who haven’t seen the film yet. I loved the cast. I originally thought Sally Field and Martin Sheen (Aunt May and Uncle Ben) were strange fits for a comic book movie, but they certainly pulled it off. Dennis Leary (Captain George Stacy) also did a great job in a role not as outwardly comedic as I’m sure he’s used to in recent years. Of course, Emma Stone is a great Gwen Stacy and Andrew Garfield seemingly embodies Peter/Spider-Man more than Tobey Maguire ever did in my eyes, not to mention their on-screen chemistry is greater than anything we received in the previous films in the franchise. Director Marc Webb continues to gain my complete faith after 2010’s (500) Days of Summer with a lot of brilliantly shot/staged/envisioned scenes. There’s a scene in the first hour post Peter/Gwen flirting that I think very well may be my favorite scene from the movie and it’s safely rooted in Webb’s music video past. Lastly because of the lack of J. Jonah Jameson we get that initial wonder from the public about Spider-Man. They know and feel he’s doing good at a certain point in the film and it’s great to spend time with Spider-Man as a hero before JJJ tries to paint him as a menace. There’s a really beautiful sequence which illustrates this, and while it doesn’t top the train/Jesus allegory scene in Spider-Man 2, it definitely put a smile on my face.

On the flip side of the coin, there were a few things I didn’t like. I generally have no love for the Lizard. I wasn’t a big fan of him on the cartoon so it’s not a big surprise that I’m not a fan of him here, but I think there are good reasons to why I don’t care for him. It’s not the serviceable performance from Rhys Ifans or the adequate computer generated imagery of the villain, but writers Vanderbilt, Sargent, and Kloves did little to nothing to make me care about Dr. Curt Connors. There are maybe two or three scenes that inform the tortured figure that is Dr. Connors but it’s few and far between for any sort of effective connection that the character could actually carry with the potential he has. There was also a little bit of carbon copy for a few details in the film from Raimi’s film, which is to be expected because it’s a re-telling of a story, however Webb’s film handles these moments in a seemingly less-compelling fashion and, despite the movie’s darker/moodier tones, it manages to gloss over a few moments that could’ve been quite powerful. While Danny Elfman’s score for Raimi’s Spider-Man was really nothing to write home about, Horner’s score for this film is even less so in my opinion. Nothing in Elfman’s score sticks out in my mind but there’s a few moments in Horner’s that just stood out like sore thumbs to me and felt quite cartoony to the film’s detriment. For a few last thoughts, there were some special effects that needed more time in the oven (including and not including the Lizard), the lack of J. Jonah Jameson was heartbreaking, especially without J.K. Simmons reprising the role, and the 3D wasn’t terrible but it didn’t serve the high-pace action of the film very well. Spidey fights fluidly some of the time but he’s very quick and his spider-sense creates some jarring experiences with the 3D.

All in all, it’s a good film — solid direction, great cast, but missing some essential elements to be a great film or in my top 10 at the end of the year. It’s not my favorite film in the franchise (Spider-Man 2 is just that good), but I could see its sequel becoming my favorite given the right writing team (which it doesn’t have at the moment with Vanderbilt returning and Kurtzman/Orci tweaking but that could change). NOTE: There is no AFTER-credits scene but there is a MID-credits scene. Don’t leave till you see the names scrolling up the screen instead of appearing centered on the screen. Go check it out and then read on below the jump if you’re seeking more discussion.

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Posted in Film Review

Summer Movie Wager 2014!

smw14Hey everyone! I’m going to take a minute today to lay the groundwork for our 2014 Summer Movie Wager!

I stole the idea for this Summer Movie Wager from The Totally Rad Show who, in turn, stole it from TimeTravelReviews. In this wager, we attempt to predict the top 10 grossing films of the Summer —in order. We take worldwide numbers into account when we do this, so keep that in mind. This year, the “Summer” releases constitute any movie that comes out on May 3rd, 2014 all the way through August 29th, 2014. NOTE: Any money made by these releases before May 3rd WILL be counted FOR that release. So Spider-Man has a couple weeks of international box office to account for.

So, we have a form available here that you can use to fill out and submit your ballot to us. Your ballot will consist of:

  1. Your name.
  2. Your picks for the top 10 grossing movies of the summer, in order.
  3. Three additional movies that could also end up in the top 10, known as your “dark horses”.
  4. Finally, your address and email if you wish to win a prize!

Please submit your ballot by 11:59 PM EDT on May 14th, 2014 to be considered in the wager. Anything submitted after will not be scored to win. That gives you two weekends to make adjustments, this is particularly helpful for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Once you have hit submit on this form, you will not be able to edit anything! So make sure you’ve chosen wisely, and make sure you’ve spelled your name and address correctly if you want to receive your prize. ALSO NOTE: If a movie gets pushed back after you have submitted your form, you cannot substitute it for anything else! NO EXCEPTIONS, even once the wager has begun.

Speaking of the prizes, here’s what you can win (please note these may change depending on the winner’s location):

  • First Place: A movie in any available format up to $40 or a $40 gift card to a theater chain of your choice PLUS a Midwest Film Nerds Podcast hoodie!
  • Second Place: A $15 gift card to a theater chain of your choice PLUS a Midwest Film Nerds Podcast T-Shirt
  • Third Place: A Midwest Film Nerds Podcast T-Shirt

Real quickly, here’s how scoring goes:

  • 13 points for correctly guessing #1 and #10
  • 10 points for correctly guessing #2 – #9
  • 7 points if your pick is only one spot away from where it ended up
  • 5 points if it is two spots away
  • 3 points if it is elsewhere on the list
  • and 1 point if a dark horse makes it on the list

I will provide weekly updates on the podcast as to what the top 10 grossing movies of the summer are. Weekly updates will be provided until the end of September, giving any August releases time to make some money. Ballots will then be scored in the final week of September.

To point you in the right direction, here’s two useful resources:


Use them as you will.

Any questions can be directed to, our twitter, our facebook, or our voicemail hotline at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636

Best of luck to all participants! As always, Kyle XY, go watch a movie.

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One Time Spider-Man Joined Forces With The Cast Of Saturday Night Live

Over the years comics have featured some pretty wacky team-ups with real world celebrities.  Superman has met Pat Boone and Muhammad Ali. A bunch of the lamer Avengers stopped by the set of “Late night with David Letterman” in the 80’s.  And one time the “Good Guy” Transformers stopped the “Bad Guy” Transformers from harvesting the sound energy from a Bruce Springsteen concert and using it to destroy the world. I was completely unaware of this Springsteen/Transformers tale until I sat down to write this, and now I cannot focus on anything else. But I’m going to do my best to forget about that epic encounter and focus on a different meeting of two titans: Spider-man and the 1978 cast of Saturday Night Live.


The original “Marvel Team Up” was a series that ran 150 issues and featured the best character in the history of comics, Spider-Man, teaming up with various characters in the Marvel Universe. Most of these are pretty standard collabos featuring Spidey teaming up with your usual heavy hitters like Thor, Hulk, Jack of Hearts and getting into situations that will wrap up within the confines of 20 or so pages.  But “Marvel Team-Up” #74 is where the book broke away from this formula in grand fashion, and teamed the Webslinger up with the 1978 cast of Saturday Night Live.

In 1978, Saturday Night Live was in its fourth year and had grown into a cultural phenomenon. Recurring characters like the Coneheads, The Czech Brothers, and my personal favorite , Fred Garvin: Male Prostitute had all hit in the mainstream in a big way, helping the show reach its peak during the first five “classic years”.  This is also the era of the show that featured the best backstage stories during the shows 30-plus year run. If you haven’t, go out of your way to read “Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live” by Tom Shales, as it features people that worked on the show talking about things like Bill Murray and Chevy Chase getting into a huge fist fight just minutes before the show started, and John Belushi doing John Belushi things. It’s a fascinating book, and you don’t even have to be a fan of the show to enjoy it. Also, I’m pretty sure 1978 John Belushi took plenty of his own Super-Soldier Serum that gave him powers beyond our puny human comprehension, so putting him in a Marvel comic is kind of a no-brainer if you ask me.  Anyway, on to the issue at hand!


The issue starts with Peter Parker and Mary Jane on their way to attend an episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by none other than Stan Lee, which would be an absolute dream come true and ratings disaster if it ever happened. Stan starts things off humbly during the monologue by stating:

“Hiya true believers! I can’t tell you how pleased I am to be hosting ‘Saturday Night’. For those of you living in Siberia the last few years I’m the guy who runs Marvel comics. Now, a lot of people think that’s really neat, but have you ever tried getting through a story conference with The Thing? Aw but deep down Ben Grimms really a nice guy! I saw him on the street the other day, and I said, Ben how are ya? And he said, not too good, in fact I’m feeling a little rocky!”

This is magical stuff and the studio audience rightly eats it up. Unfortunately writer Chris Claremont does not trust his comedic skills enough, and cuts away from Stan’s monologue before things get really good. This bummed me out, so I wrote some classic jokes that Stan can use next time he hosts SNL:

“Man, the head of a comic book company hosting Saturday Night Live. Even Reed Richards thinks this is a bit of a stretch”

“The nice thing about being in charge of a bunch of superheroes is that if this starts to go south, I’ll just call up Lockjaw and he can teleport me out of here” (This joke will get no reaction from the crowd, and Nightcrawler is the obvious choice for this punchline, but I saw an opportunity for a Lockjaw joke and went for it)

“Ya know this hosting thing isn’t as tough as it seems, I was worried that I might bomb. That’s why I had Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko write all my jokes for me tonight, so it would be just like my other job”

Classic comedy that mass audiences will fall in love with.


Next we cut to the backstage area where we see the 1978 cast of Saturday Night Live preparing for the show. This is the cast made up of Gilda Radner, Laraine Newman, Garrett Morris, Jane Curtain, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, and John Belushi. Unfortunately 1978 was the year after Chevy Chase left the show, so we are robbed of a scene or two where he makes everything awkward by saying racist things to The Falcon, or calling Thor a fairy or something.  Apparently, John Belushi has received a ring in a piece of fan mail that is stuck on his finger after trying it on. The Silver Samurai (a villain that I think normally shows up in Wolverine stories. One of the other “Film Nerds” can correct me on this if I’m wrong, I was too lazy to wiki him.) is after this ring as well and he’s brought his henchman with him to get the ring back by any means necessary.

Backstage, Bill Murray is carrying around a rubber replica of Thor’s hammer and is about to take it to Garrett Morris for an upcoming sketch on the show. On his way he spots one of the henchman backstage and clobbers him with the rubber hammer and steals his clothes so he can follow the henchmen around and see what the deal is. Action Hero Bill Murray! Garrett Morris as Thor!  Who cares about Spider-Man?!?!


Meanwhile, Jane Curtain and Gilda Radner are doing a Weekend Update bit when suddenly both fall through the stage and are kidnapped by the Silver Samurai’s henchmen. Luckily, Spider-man and Bill Murray are there to help free them from the clutches of the henchmen, return them to the stage, and take off in pursuit of the Silver Samurai. 

Elsewhere, one of the forgotten “Not Ready for Prime Time Players” Laraine Newman, is dressed as Ms. Marvel and her costume is so convincing she distracts two of the goons long enough for Spidey to come in and take them out. This seems like a very bizarre episode of SNL btw. I forgot to mention that at some point in the book there is a scene of Stan Lee and Jane Curtain on stage doing some sort of dance routine. To recap: This is an episode that features a Stan Lee monologue; Weekend Update as the second sketch on the show; A Stan Lee/Jane Curtain dance routine; And a sketch that features Ms. Marvel and Garrett Morris as Thor. Netflix would probably trim this episode down to about 7 minutes is my guess.


Some other stuff happens before Dan Aykroyd comes up with the plan of dressing up in as many zany costumes as they can to throw off the henchman and defeat them. I guess this is a good plan because it works and leads to an amazing scene where John Belushi faces off with the Silver Samurai dressed as his Samurai character from Saturday Night Live. There’s a three-way scuffle between Spidey, Belushi and the Silver Samurai that leads to the ring finally being wrestled off of Belushi’s finger and revealed to be a teleportation ring that the Silver Samurai puts on and GTFO. The audience has seen all of this and because they’ve all come to the conclusion that the rest of the show has been some sort of fever dream, they totally buy that this was part of the show and burst into applause.

So that’s it. This is a pretty fun issue, and it features Garrett Morris saying “Varlets”, so I give it my highest recommendation. The original “Marvel Team Up” would run for a few more years, and Saturday Night Live is still on the air having to deal with people saying it sucks now and will never be as good as the glory days when Stan Lee hosted. Now go watch Amazing Spider-Man 2 and listen to our podcast.


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Episode 74 – Retro Review: Godzilla (1954)

Gojira_1954_Japanese_posterThe terror begins! In preparation for Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla remake, we review the original 1954 Godzilla! We also talk about film news and we play a round of Movie Fact or Fiction.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Film News:
    • Zack Snyder will direct a Justice League movie after Batman Vs. Superman (0:01:55)
  • Movie Fact or Fiction (0:15:48)
  • Review: Godzilla (1954) (0:44:51)
    • Spoilers start: (0:56:24)
  • Outro (1:00:54)

Music and artwork were made for us by @mistajon on twitter.

Follow the showWillieTim, and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Episode 73 – Transcendence

transcendenceCan Wally Pfister transcend the role of cinematographer with his directorial debut Transcendence? Find out on this week’s podcast! We also play a new game: Shooting Title Showdown!

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Shooting Title Showdown! (0:04:20)
  • Review: Transcendence (0:27:41)
    • Spoilers start: (0:49:01)
  • Outro (1:00:54)

Music and artwork were made for us by @mistajon on twitter.

Follow the showWillieTim, and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Episode 72 – Special Guest Stephen Tobolowsky & The Raid 2

the-raid-2-berandal-teaser-posterThis week we talk with the legendary character actor Stephen Tobolowsky about his upcoming project, The Primary Instinct! We also see if The Raid 2 can beat our expectations into submission.

Show Notes:

Music and artwork were made for us by @mistajon on twitter.

Follow the showWillieNick, Tim, and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Episode 71 – Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain-America-The-Winter-Soldier-IMAX-PosterCan the Star Spangled Man hold his own against the mysterious Winter Soldier? Find out with our review of The Russo Brothers’ Captain America: The Winter Soldier! We also talk about film news including Goonies II, a Police Academy remake, and more!

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Film News
    • Mickey Rooney has passed away at age 93. (0:02:28)
    • Director Richard Donner says Goonies II is in the works. (0:05:59)
    • Key and Peele are producing a Police Academy remake. (0:12:59)
    • Quentin Tarantino is directing a one-night-only stage reading of The Hateful Eight for LACMA. (0:15:27)
    • Comic Book Villain Casting: (0:18:53)
      • Toby Kebbell has been cast as Victor Von Doom in The Fantastic Four.
      • Matt Gerald has been cast as a villain in Ant Man.
    • Wreck-It Ralph 2 is in the works. (0:21:40)
  • Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (0:23:31)
    • Spoilers start: (0:47:11)
  • Outro (1:22:58)

Music and artwork were made for us by @mistajon on twitter.

Follow the showWillieNick, and Alex on twitter.

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Episode 70 – Noah

Noah-poster-570x843Does Darren Aronofsky’s Noah sink or float?! Find out on this week’s podcast! We also interview Jordan Liebowitz and Ryan Heraly, director and producer (respectively) of the short film Bingo Night which is screening at the Wisconsin Film Festival on April 5th!

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Interview (0:01:22)
    • Director Jordan Liebowitz and producer Ryan Heraly
    • Bingo Night
    • Screening Saturday, April 5th at 6:15 PM
    • At the UW Elvehjem Building
    • 432 East Campus Mall
    • Madison, Wisconsin
  • Review: Noah (0:17:24)
    • Spoilers start: (0:38:49)
  • Outro (1:06:26)

Music and artwork were made for us by @mistajon on twitter.

Follow the showWillieNick, Tim, and Alex on twitter.

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Posted in Podcast

Episode 69 – The Grand Budapest Hotel

grand_budapest_hotel_poster2_largeThis week we talk about our stay at Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel! We also talk about recent movie trailers and young adult novel adaptations.

Show Notes:

Music and artwork were made for us by @mistajon on twitter.

Follow the showWillieNick, and Alex on twitter.

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Episode 68 – Need for Speed

need-for-speed-poster-aaron-paulThis week the film nerds have a need for Scott Waugh’s Need for Speed! We also talk about film news and we play a few rounds of Tagline Takedown!

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Film News:
    • Miles Teller, Jaime Bell, Kate Mara, and Michael B. Jordan have been cast in Josh Trank’s The Fantastic Four (0:02:22)
    • Colin Trevorrow’s Jurassic World will feature BD Wong reprising his role as Dr. Henry Wu (0:09:24)
    • Captain America 3 will go head to head with Batman Vs. Superman on May 6th, 2016 (0:12:25)
    • 70mm IMAX projectors are on their way out (0:19:04)
  • Tagline Takedown (0:23:22)
  • Review: Need for Speed (0:45:46)
    • Spoilers start: (1:04:10)
  • Outro (1:14:52)

Music and artwork were made for us by @mistajon on twitter.

Follow the showWillie, Nick, and Alex on twitter.

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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