Episode 119 – Cinderella (2015)

cinderellaposterDoes the shoe fit on Kenneth Branagh’s Cinderella? Find out on this week’s episode! We also talk about what we’ve been watching and film news.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • What We’ve Been Watching:
    • Tim: Moonraker and Agents of Shield Season 1 (0:01:30)
    • Aimee: The First 48 and Forensic Files (0:06:30)
    • Alex: Agents of Shield Season 2, Better Call SaulParenthood (0:09:02)
  • Film News:
    • Star Wars Episode VIII will be written and directed by Rian Johnson and will be released May 26th, 2017. (0:11:26)
    • Star Wars: Rogue One is the title of the first standalone Star Wars film. (0:12:55)
    • Zoolander 2 will be released February 12th, 2016. (0:16:15)
    • Ghostbusters is getting it’s own universe with a new movie starring Channing Tatum and directed by The Russo Brothers. (0:20:31)
    • Tron 3 might be filming in October? (0:25:59)
  • Review: Cinderella (0:28:30)
  • Aimee talks about Frozen Fever and other random ramblings plus the outro. (0:52:08)

Make sure you subscribe to the Midwest Game Nerds in iTunes!

Music and artwork were made for us by @ChonConstantine on twitter.

Follow the show, Tim, and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Episode 118 – Chappie

ChappiescifiPosterartfullhandblocks1-1415050002Did Chappie make us happy? Or was it kind of crappy? Listen to this week’s episode for our review of Neill Blomkamp’s latest film and we also talk about what we’ve been watching!

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • What We’ve Been Watching:
    • Willie: Twilight and Twilight: Breaking Dawn (0:02:14)
    • Jon: Better Call Saul and House of Cards Season 1 (0:09:17)
    • Nick: Hannibal Season 2 (0:13:34)
    • Alex: Agents of Shield Season 2, Better Call SaulParenthood (0:16:46)
  • Review: Chappie (0:20:34)
    • Spoilers Start: (0:43:52)
  • Outro (1:01:52)

Make sure you subscribe to the Midwest Game Nerds in iTunes!

Music and artwork were made for us by @ChonConstantine on twitter.

Follow the show, Nick, Willie, and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Are You Pets Talkin’ To Me?: The Voices

the_voices638By: Lance

In Marjane Satrapi’s The Voices, pills play a big part. When Jerry Hickfang (Ryan Reynolds) takes his prescribed anti-psychotic medication, he sees his environment for what it truly is: dark, twisted, and unpleasant. Similar to that other film with pills in the plot, The Matrix, in which Neo takes the red pill to “see how deep the rabbit hole goes,” taking a pill in The Voices alters Jerry’s reality. Jerry’s reality without the pills is full of cleanliness, cartoon butterflies, winged angels, and talking animals. We know this is not a true reality, but it’s Jerry’s perceived reality when he’s alone. Another connection to The Matrix is how Jerry’s cat, Mr. Whiskers, tells him that he is The One. Not The One to end the war between humans and machines but rather, The One to kill people on purpose. Read more ›

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Posted in Editorial, Film Review

A Celebration of “John Carter” — Followed by Depression


This was previously posted on my personal blog on April 4th, 2012, shortly after John Carter was in theaters. While you’re here, please check out the Midwest Film Nerds (also available on iTunes and Stitcher Radio) and follow Alex on Twitter.


So, earlier this year, I listed off my 10 most anticipated movies of the year. Deep down in the “honorable mentions” you’ll find this:

John Carter (March 9th) – Highly stylized, this is Pixar director Andrew Stanton’s first live-action film, it should be quite interesting to compare to Brad Bird’s Mission: Impossible from 2011.

The closer John Carter came to being released, I became more and more eager to see the movie. If I had written this article in the last few weeks of February, John Carter would have easily replaced a few of the films on my list including The Hobbit and The Great Gatsby. Finally, I have seen it (in 2D only, mind you), in its third and, most likely, final week in the theater. At the moment the film ended, I felt utterly depressed with the fact that we’ll never see John Carter: The Gods of Mars.

There’s a few points of discussion I plan on hitting in this article about John Carter, such as:

  • John Carter‘s origins in literature
  • How much I enjoyed the film
  • The Disney regime change that spelled the end of this movie’s future
  • Film media’s readiness to decimate the film
  • Maybe a few other minor points
I’ll continue the spoiler-free discussion after the jump.

Read more ›

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Posted in Editorial, Film Review

Episode 117 – Predestination

PREDESTINATION_27X40_R3MECH.inddWere we predestined to love Predestination? Tune in to this week’s episode to find out! We also talk about Leonard Nimoy, POWER/RANGERBlade Runner, and Alien news.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Film News:
    • Leonard Nimoy has passed away at the age of 83. (0:02:33)
    • Joseph Kahn has released a Power Rangers re-imagination short on YouTube called POWER/RANGER. (0:06:10)
    • Willie weighs in on Neill Blomkamp and Alien. (0:14:38)
    • Denis Villeneuve is in negotiations to direct the sequel to Blade Runner. (0:20:28)
  • Review: Predestination (0:25:46) *SPOILERS START IMMEDIATELY*
  • Outro (0:51:55)

Tim found this article dissecting Predestination.

Make sure you subscribe to the Midwest Game Nerds in iTunes!

Music and artwork were made for us by @ChonConstantine on twitter.

Follow the show, Nick, Willie, Tim, and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

Posted in Podcast

Episode 116 – Focus

focus_movie_posterDoes Focus manage to keep our attention? Find out on this week’s episode of the podcast! (SPOILER ALERT: YES IT DOES, GO SEE IT.) We also talk about the Oscars, Neill Blomkamp and Alien, and the recent X-Men casting news.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Film News:
    • The 2015 Academy Awards happened. (0:01:30)
    • Neill Blomkamp’s next film may be in the Alien franchise. (0:16:00)
    • Kodi Smit-McPhee has been cast as Nightcrawler in X-Men: Apocalypse. (0:20:35)
  • Review: Focus (0:24:44)
    • Spoilers Start: (0:39:50)
  • Outro (0:53:32)

Click here to watch “You’re Not In Kansas Anymore” with Stephen Lang on Funny or Die.

Make sure you subscribe to the Midwest Game Nerds in iTunes!

Music and artwork were made for us by @ChonConstantine on twitter.

Follow the show, Nick, Tim and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Bonus Episode: Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-Poster-3Does Fifty Shades of Grey deserve a spanking? Would it be a good thing or a bad thing? Find out on this bonus episode of the podcast!

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Review: Fifty Shades of Grey (0:01:00)
    • Spoilers Start: (0:10:13)
  • Outro (0:41:16)

Make sure you subscribe to the Midwest Game Nerds in iTunes!

Music and artwork were made for us by @ChonConstantine on twitter.

Follow the show, Lance, Tim and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Fifty Shades of Grey Can’t Be Wrong

Fifty-Shades-of-Grey-Poster-3By: Lance

Sam Taylor-Johnson’s Fifty Shades of Grey may be a lot of things, but “dirty” isn’t one of them. In fact, Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) describes Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) as “clean” after their first meeting. While the film does contain a lot of sex, 2 out of the 3 types according to the definition from the American Red Cross, its main focus is not on sex but rather the dominant-submissive relationship that Christian wants. So what is Fifty Shades of Grey trying to say?

Anastasia, or “Ana” as she prefers to be called, meets Christian in Seattle when her roommate gets sick and she takes her place in interviewing Christian for the college newspaper. Christian is scheduled to speak at Ana’s graduation ceremony because he’s the definition of success. Although, we soon find out that he wasn’t always so prosperous. Ana attempts to get to know Christian by asking him questions but Christian quickly wants to get to know more about her. Being so rich and likely having access to private information, he later “accidentally” runs into Ana at her hardware store job and picks up a few items: cable ties, rope, and tape. These are things that help you hold other things down. Christian and Ana go out for coffee and the subject of “romanticism” comes up in conversation. Ana admits that because she is an English Literature major, being romantic is inherent to her personality. This is enough to make Christian run for the exits. He makes it clear that romance is not his bag, unless that bag contains whips and floggers in it used for BDSM. If you don’t know what BDSM is, I suggest you look up the internet.

There’s a defining moment for Ana when she skims through her cell phone and almost deletes Christian’s number. She doesn’t go through with it, though. She ends up calling him because she wants him. Ana wants him enough to enter his strange, dominance-fueled world. “Enlighten me,” she says. “I think I’d like [you to bite my lip] too,” she tells Christian. Ana gives in to Christian’s desires in small doses and receives big amounts of pleasure each time. However, Ana wants “more.” To Christian, “more” is buying her a new car or taking her on an exhilarating plane ride. But to Ana, this is not the “more” she’s looking for. A constant question she asks Christian is why he won’t sleep next to her in bed. This request is demanding a lot from Christian. Sleeping in the same bed could mean they’re a couple. Sleeping together might mean they’re in love and Christian makes it known that he can’t be tied down. No, he’s the one who physically ties others down.

Christian, ever the smart businessman, draws up typed contracts for Ana to sign in order for them to engage in sexual relations with each other. Everything is clearly spelled out, from which adult toys and devices can be used in his play room to the specific acts that can be performed on Ana. “Anal fisting” gets crossed out in this fun and flirty scene. Christian’s efforts to define boundaries unfortunately don’t make things any less complicated between him and Ana. And why shouldn’t things get complicated? Forcing order and control in any relationship is bound to cause problems. This is where the film kind of gets derailed. It’s so obvious from the beginning that Ana and Christian want different things. She wants him to sleep with her in the same bed and quit “fighting” his feelings for her. He wants to keep her submissive, her hands tied so she can’t touch him, but he frequently contradicts himself by showing her affection. He sends her gifts, he sometimes introduces to friends as his “girlfriend,” and he even takes her to meet his family. Due to this confusion and irritation from the characters, I found myself wanting them to “just get on with it” and skip to the sex so they can both stop talking and enjoy themselves. The first play room scene is hotter than a sidewalk in Vegas. I was shaking my head in scenes when Ana would start to cry. Not because I didn’t feel for her. Dakota Johnson does a fine job at making us see things from her point of view. It’s just a mystery to me and probably to everyone else in the film what she was actually expecting from this arrangement. For the most part, I liked Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey too. He’s a little stiff (not that kind of stiff) in some of his line deliveries but overall pulls off being both secretive and seductive.

“Whatever happened to flowers and chocolates?” says Ana’s best friend Kate. These days, it’s becoming rare to see couples express love in the more traditional ways. I don’t think Fifty Shades of Grey is trying to make a statement on love. It’s more concerned with individual people. People who love each other become attached and turn into couples that get further away from being themselves. Ana and Christian want to remain who they are and there’s nothing wrong with that. So long as we get to watch.

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Posted in Film Review

Episode 115 – Kingsman: The Secret Service

kingsman-secret-service-teaser-posterDoes Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman: The Secret Service deserve to be treated like royalty? Find out on this week’s episode! We also talk about The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and Trainwreck as well as the SNL anniversary and Jon Stewart’s imminent departure from The Daily Show.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Trailer Ticker:
    • The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (0:01:27)
    • Trainwreck (0:04:49)
  • Film News (kind of):
    • SNL’s 40th anniversary/reunion was this past Sunday. (0:10:03)
    • Jon Stewart has announced he will leave The Daily Show some time this year. (0:14:18)
  • Review: Kingsman: The Secret Service (0:19:02)
    • Spoilers Start: (0:36:37)
  • Outro (0:56:00)

Make sure you subscribe to the Midwest Game Nerds in iTunes!

Music and artwork were made for us by @ChonConstantine on twitter.

Follow the show, Willie, Tim and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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Episode 114 – Jupiter Ascending

jupiterascendingposterWill the Wachowski’s latest film ascend to the top of our lists for 2015? Find out with our review of Jupiter Ascending! We also talk about the latest Spider-Man/Marvel Studios news and discuss listener feedback.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction
  • Listener Feedback (0:01:20)
  • Film News:
    • Spider-Man will appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! (0:13:12)
  • Review: Jupiter Ascending (0:31:28)
    • Spoilers Start: (0:46:54)
  • Outro (0:59:22)

Music and artwork were made for us by @ChonConstantine on twitter.

Follow the show, Nick, Tim and Alex on twitter.

Give us a call and leave a voicemail at (248) 733-5MFN or (248) 733-5636!

We’re also on Instagram (Username: MFNPodcast) and Vine (search for Midwest Film Nerds Podcast)!

Send comments, feedback, “Food for Thought” questions to feedback(AT)midwestfilmnerds(DOT)com.

You can now listen to us on Stitcher Radio! Download the free app on your Android or iOS devices and search for “Midwest Film Nerds” to find us.

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